
The BS Applied Physics Program was first offered in the University of the Philippines at Los Baños in 1987 with barely 14 students, and every year saw a new batch of daring students enroll in the program. But only few who can cope up with the pressure survived the course. This prompted the four pioneering batches to unite and  form an organization so that the course will not be abolished.  They named the organization UP Applied Physics Society also known as Physika.

 Physika is a Greek term for physics. The seal is a shield encrusted by the letters a and j with the symbol of an ordinary diode and a zener diode  that symbolizes strength under pressure. The Constitution was well thought of as it embodies the ideals of academic excellence, camaraderie and sound social and cultural environment for each member.

Every year, Physika holds its  Applied Physics Week, each  with a different theme.  The Applied Physics Week is held  every first week of February. We hold programs and other means of information dissemination so that the public will know the importance of  Physics to our country. This activity also helps students to learn and appreciate physics more. 

Physika accepts applicants every semester. Every applicant must pass series of tests in order to be a member. Once a member, you will have the privilege of being called a Physikan, and you will stand to the ideals of the organization. These ideals are kept alive to those few who are  willing to live the life of a Physikan.

True to the form of a prestigious academic organization, Physika is proud of having produced four cum laudes and one magna cum laude graduates of the BS Applied Physics curriculum.

Even though, members are few and the goings get rough, Physika manages to surpass every hurdle. In the near future, with the members’ perseverance, success will surely be attained and our goal will be reached. So help us God.

Original post: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga/physika/history.html